
Chart config is stored in a JSON object, broken down in to nested objects for the various components of the chart. The chart config can be stored in the REST API, or used to generate interactive charts or images on the fly.

Parameter types

String Accepts a string, unless a set of valid values are specified.
Integer i.e. 1, 4, 500
Float i.e. 1, 1.0, 50.3
Boolean i.e. true, false, 1, 0
Color Accepts a hex, rgb or rgba string unless otherwise stated. i.e. #ffffff, rgb(255, 255, 255) or rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5)

If a parameter type is followed by square brackets (i.e. Color[]) it implies you can send an array of that parameter type (e.g. [‘#000000’, ‘#ffffff’])

Config object

Top level

Config structure

Parameter Type Description
type String

Width of chart canvas in pixels

Valid values: bar, line, area, pie

canvas Object

See Canvas

series Object

See Series

axes Object

See Axes

meta Object

See Meta

options Object

See Options

legend Object

See Legend

tooltip Object

See Tooltip

color Object

See Color


A typical chart config root would look like this

    "type": "bar",
    "canvas": {},
    "series": {}


Control size and style of the chart canvas

Parameter Type Description
canvas Object

Canvas root

canvas.width Integer

Width of chart canvas in pixels

Default: 800

canvas.height Integer

Height of chart canvas in pixels

Default: 400

canvas.margin Object

Spacing from edge of canvas to start of chart Integer

In pixels

Default: 20

canvas.margin.right Integer

In pixels

Default: 20

canvas.margin.bottom Integer

In pixels

Default: 20

canvas.margin.left Integer

In pixels

Default: 20

canvas.background-type String

Style of background

Default: solid

Valid values: solid, gradient, transparent

canvas.background-color Color

Hex, rgb or rgba color

Default: #000000

canvas.gradient Object

Background gradient options

canvas.gradient.colors Color[]

Array of hex or rgb colors to create a gradient with

canvas.gradient.direction String

Direction of the gradient

Valid values: top, bottom, left, right

canvas.font-family String

Default font to use across chart

Default: Arial

canvas.font-size Integer

Default font size to use across chart

Default: 10

canvas.font-color Color

Default font color to use across chart

Default: #000000


An example of a full canvas object

    "canvas": {
        "width": 800,
        "height": 400,
        "margin": {
            "top": 20,
            "right": 20,
            "bottom": 20,
            "left": 20
        "background-type": "solid",
        "background-color": "#ffffff",
        "font-family": "Arial",
        "font-size": 10,
        "font-color": "#000000"


Each series represents a line/bar/area, depending on the type of chart being rendered

Parameter Type Description
series Object

Series root

series.[id] String

Each series must have a unique ID assigned to it, as the object key. Valid characters are A-Z0-9_

series.[id].show Boolean

Whether to draw the series on the chart

Default: true

series.[id].title String

The name of the series (appears in Legend)

series.[id].color Color[]

A single color or array of colours applied to the bar/line/area

series.[id].order Integer

The order to display/render the series in

series.[id].source Object

Contains information on how to obtain data for this series

series.[id].source.type String

Location of the data

Default: dataset

Valid values: dataset

series.[id].source.setId String

ID of the dataset to source the data from

series.[id].source.direction String

Whether to iterate over the sets rows or columns

Default: columns

Valid values: rows, columns

series.[id].source.headersFirst Boolean

Whether to treat the first row as axis headings

series.[id].source.x Integer[]

Column(s) that make up the x value

series.[id].source.groupBy Integer[]

Column(s) that should be grouped by matching values

series.[id].source.groupAccumulator String

How to manipulate grouped values

Valid values: avg, sum, count, max, min, first, last

series.[id].source.y Integer[]

Column(s) that make up the y value

series.[id].source.from Integer

Which row/column to start sourcing the data from

Default: 1

series.[id] Integer

Which row/column to source the data to

series.[id].source.limit Integer

Maximum number of data points to use

series.[id].source.offset Integer

Offset this many rows/columns with range of data

series.[id].source.sortBy Integer[]

Row/column to sort data by

series.[id].source.order Integer

Ascending (1), Descending (-1) order

Default: 1

Valid values: 1, -1


An example of sourcing all data from column A (X) and B (Y) of a dataset

    "series": {
        "example-0": {
            "show": true,
            "title": "Example data",
            "color": ["#F2C313"],
            "order": 0,
            "source": {
                "type": "dataset",
                "setId": "542713dcc9a61d5c0c8b4567",
                "direction": "columns",
                "headersFirst": true,
                "x": [1],
                "y": [2],
                "groupBy": [1],
                "groupAccumulator": "sum",
                "from": 1,
                "to": null,
                "limit": null,
                "offset": null,
                "sortBy": [],
                "order": 1


Configuring the chart axes (typically X, Y and Y2)

Parameter Type Description
axes Object

Axes root

axes.[axis] String

The axis key to configure

Valid values: x, y, y2

axes.[axis].show Boolean

Whether to draw the axis on the chart

Default: true

axes.[axis].color Color

The color of the axis line

axes.[axis].thickness Integer

The thickness of the axis line in pixels

Default: 2

axes.[axis].position String

Where the axis should sit in relation to the chart

Valid values: left, bottom, top, right

axes.[axis].format String

How to format the axis ticks

Valid values: auto, text, percent, number-roundString, number-round2, date-YYYY-MM-DD, date-YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm, date-DD/MM/YYYY, date-DD/MM/YYYY HH:mm

axes.[axis].scale Object

Object for controlling the scale of the axis

axes.[axis].scale.type Object

Type of scale to apply

Default: auto

Valid values: auto, linear, log, ordinal

axes.[axis].scale.forceZero Boolean

Whether 0 should appear on the axis

axes.[axis].scale.niceValues Boolean

Whether the axis should round to nice values at the start and end

Default: true

axes.[axis].label Object

A label object, used to set the axis label that describes the axis

axes.[axis] Boolean

Whether the label is visible

axes.[axis].label.value String

The text to display

axes.[axis].label.color Color

The text color

axes.[axis].label.font-family String

Font to use

axes.[axis].label.font-size Integer

Size of label

axes.[axis].label.rotate Integer

Number of degrees to rotate the label. Defaults to 0, 90 or 180 depending on the axis

axes.[axis].ticks Object

Tick object

axes.[axis] Boolean

Whether to display ticks on the axis

Default: true

axes.[axis].ticks.quantity Integer

Maximum number of ticks to display along the axis

axes.[axis].ticks.color Color

Color of the tick text

Default: true

axes.[axis].ticks.font-family String

Font to use

axes.[axis].ticks.font-size Integer

Size of ticks

axes.[axis].ticks.rotate Integer

Number of degrees to rotate the ticks

Default: 0

axes.[axis].grid Object

Grid object

axes.[axis] Boolean

Whether to draw the grid lines

axes.[axis].grid.color Color

The color of the grid lines

axes.[axis].grid.thickness Integer

The thickness of the grid lines in pixels

Default: 1


An simple example of an X and Y axis

    "axes": {
        "x": {
            "show": true,
            "position": "bottom",
            "thickness": 2,
            "color": "rgba(235, 233, 221, 0.3)",
            "label": {
                "show": true,
                "value": "X axis",
                "color": "rgb(235, 233, 221)",
                "font-size": 16,
                "font-family": "Arial",
                "rotate": 0
            "ticks": {
                "show": true,
                "quantity": 5,
                "color": "rgb(235, 233, 221)",
                "font-family": "Arial",
                "font-size": 14,
                "rotate": 0
            "grid": {
                "show": false,
                "thickness": 1,
                "color": "rgb(235, 233, 221)"
        "y": {
            "show": true,
            "position": "left",
            "thickness": 2,
            "color": "rgba(235, 233, 221, 0.3)",
            "format": "number-roundString",
            "scale": {
                "type": "log"
            "label": {
                "show": true,
                "value": "Y axis",
                "color": "rgb(235, 233, 221)",
                "font-size": 16,
                "font-family": "Arial",
                "rotate": 270
            "ticks": {
                "quantity": 6,
                "show": true,
                "rotate": 0,
                "font-family": "Arial",
                "font-size": 14,
                "color": "rgb(235, 233, 221)"
            "grid": {
                "show": true,
                "thickness": 1,
                "color": "rgba(235, 233, 221, 0.3)"


Information about the chart

Parameter Type Description
meta Object

Meta root

meta.title Object

Title object Boolean

Show the title?

Default: true

meta.title.value String

The text value

meta.title.color Color

Color of title text

meta.title.font-family String

Font to use for text

meta.title.font-size Integer

Size of title text

meta.title.rotate Integer

Rotation of title text

Default: 0

meta.title.position Object

Position object

meta.title.position.type String

Where to put the title in the canvas

Default: top-left

Valid values: custom, top-left, top-center, top-right, center-left, center-right, bottom-left, bottom-center, bottom-right

meta.title.position.insideMargin Boolean

Calculation inside or outside the margin

meta.title.position.fitInCanvas Boolean

Check that the title sits within the canvas

Default: true

meta.title.position.coordinates Object

If the position type is ‘custom’, set the coordinates here

meta.title.position.coordinates.x Float

X coordinates from left

Default: 0

meta.title.position.coordinates.y Float

Y coordinates from top

Default: 0

meta.description Text

A description of the chart used for html meta etc


A title at the top left of the canvas

    "meta": {
        "title": {
            "show": true,
            "value": "My chart",
            "font-family": "Arial",
            "font-size": "22",
            "color": "rgb(235, 233, 221)",
            "rotate": 0,
            "position": {
                "type": "top-left"
        "description": "This is a lovely chart example."


Type specific options

Parameter Type Description
options Object

Options root

options.area Object

Area object Boolean

Fill the area

options.border Object

Border object, used for pie slices

options.border.color Color

Color of the border (line)

options.border.thickness Integer

Thickness of the border in pixels

Default: 0

options.donut Integer

Size of hole in a pie chart

Default: 0

options.horizontal Boolean

Makes the bars in a column chart horizontal

options.interpolate String

Used to manipulate, normally smoothen, data

Default: linear

Valid values: linear, cardinal

options.lines Boolean

Whether to draw lines on line/scatter charts

Default: true

options.offset Integer

Where to start the first slice of a pie chart, in degrees

Default: 0

options.points Object

Points object Boolean

Whether to draw points on line/scatter charts

options.points.shape String

Shape of the point

Default: circle

Valid values: circle, square, cross, diamond, triangle-down, triangle-up

options.portion Integer

Completeness of pie chart, in degrees. Used to make election charts

Default: 0

options.stacked Boolean

Whether to stack bars/areas


A horizontal, stacked bar chart

    "options": {
        "horizontal": true,
        "stacked": true

The configuration to convert a pie chart in to an election chart

    "options": {
        "donut": 60,
        "offset": 260,
        "portion": 200

The configuration to display points on a line chart

    "options": {
        "points": {
            "show": true,
            "shape": "circle"


Configuring a legend for the chart

Parameter Type Description
legend Object

Legend root Boolean

Whether to show the legend String

Style of the legend

Default: vertical

Valid values: horizontal, vertical

legend.shape String

Shape of each key element

Default: circle

Valid values: none, circle, cross, diamond, square, triangle-down, triangle-up, shape

legend.font-color Color

Color of series title text in legend

legend.font-family String

Font for series title text

legend.font-size Integer

Font size for series title text

legend.position Object

Position object

legend.position.type String

Where to put the title in the canvas

Default: top-left

Valid values: custom, top-left, top-center, top-right, center-left, center-right, bottom-left, bottom-center, bottom-right

legend.position.coordinates Object

If the position type is ‘custom’, set the coordinates here

legend.position.coordinates.x Float

X coordinates from left

Default: 0

legend.position.coordinates.y Float

Y coordinates from top

Default: 0


Displays a legend to the right of the chart

    "legend": {
        "show": true,
        "style": "vertical",
        "shape": "circle",
        "font-color": "rgb(102, 102, 102)",
        "font-family": "Arial",
        "font-size": 14,
        "position": {
            "type": "top-right"


Configure tooltips on hover of the chart

Parameter Type Description
tooltip Object

Tooltip root Boolean

Enable tooltips on chart


Tooltips enabled

    "tooltip": {
        "show": true


A palette of colors to choose from when adding new series

Parameter Type Description
color Color[]

Palette colors


Can use a mix of color formats

    "color": [
        "rgba(55, 55, 55, 0.5)"